Are all of these services available for in-person and online coaching?
Yes, all of these are available no matter the type of coaching you receive.
What's the difference between online and in-person coaching?
Online coaching is 100% online. I'll give you guidance regarding your training remotely mainly through Instagram DMs or WhatsApp. In-person training allows you to have me by your side for every exercise. You also get all the benefits online coaching has.
When I sign up, am I limited to choosing one service?
How much do the services cost?
All the services cost the same, it is mostly dependent on what type of coaching you would like.
Do you sell pre-made programs, or do I have to be a client?
Yes, I sell programs specific to powerlifting, strength training, bodybuilding, conditioning (fat loss, performance, improving cardiovascular performance) which can be adjusted to cater to your specific goals. You can ask about purchasing these programs can be made at